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No. 279-284: six tartelettes que j’aime


I am starting to wonder if I will ever lose those last 10 lbs. while I am living in Paris. I only seem capable of “being good” for 4-5 days at a time, and then I have a complete breakdown and wander into a gorgeous pâtisserie and it is back to square one and late-night bike rides on my vélo d’appartement trying to burn the extra calories from the day.

Let’s just say, it will be a very late evening tonight as I mistakenly strolled into Eric Kayser for a healthy quinoa, salmon and roquette salad and came away with a bit more than I bargained for.

Damn, the French and their daily menus which include a boisson (drink) and dessert along with the salad for only an extra €2.30.

As I have missed several days of blogging this week (due to the deluge of American guests à l’hôtel Nancy—going on 24 days, but who’s counting…), I looked at the stunning display of desserts and thought, “I’ll do a post on tartelettes.” And that mes amis is where the diet went all to hell.

Argh! I almost always go for the fruity tartelettes, mais aujourd’hui, I put my healthy blinders on and went straight for the chocolate and caramel display. And then I saw it, those two magnificent flavors combined, and a mini-dessert I had somehow  managed not to discover over the course of nearly 3 years: la tartelette au caramel et chocolate. Donc, I had to buy one. After all, it was a better deal to get the menu instead of just a salad and drink.

Long story short, I split the first one with Button. It was divine, like heaven popped on a plate. And then for the sake of my readers, I bought a second one to bring home and photograph (and retaste) for my blog. Curses!


Below please see my six favorite tartelettes that I have eaten at one time or the other over the past years all for you and in the name of research: 


tartelette caramel chocolat


tartelette aux poires

tartelette mascarpone fruits rouges


tartelette aux pommes


tartelette au citron


tartelette  abricots et pistaches


mais aujourd’hui: but today

mes amis: my friends

vélo d’appartement: exercise bike




12 Comments Post a comment
  1. If it’s any consolation, I am trying to lose those last 10 lbs before I head to France for my summer holidays… Imagine what I might look like at the end of my stay otherwise…

    June 18, 2014
  2. Your photos make me drool….

    June 19, 2014
  3. Tout avec moderation – bon courage!

    June 19, 2014
  4. Sarah Larson #

    Delicious photos! I was oo-ing and aah-ing over them, and had to call over Rachel to show her these (we are all tarte lovers here)!

    June 19, 2014
  5. Bendilyn Bach #

    Sign me up a l’hotel Nancy! I think that you can blame your “delicious” posts about France on the 24 days and running of house guests. Bravo!

    June 19, 2014
  6. Skipping around your blog is making me very hungry but this post is going too far… it all looks so delicious, I need a tartelette aux pommes right now!

    March 2, 2015
    • Oh, this country. Why do they have to do tartes so well. I am really enjoying the savory ones this winter. The perfect thing for a cold day. Thank you for stopping by my blog and for leaving a comment. 🙂

      March 2, 2015
    • I’ve become addicted to les tartes aux pores this time around. It’s killing my waistline!

      March 9, 2015

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